Sunday, July 20, 2008

Conveyor Belt Sushi (part 2)

This is a continuation of the previous post...

This time the focus is more on the surroundings of the conveyor belt sushi place + a stray pic of one of their sushis...

Lobster Salad Sushi

They have these every few feet. These taps spout boiling water you can use to make your tea. Tea bags are provided at no charge. The white-packeted things in the box to its right are disposable chopsticks.

Here's what the restaurant looks like from my table. The sushi goes round and round in a dizzying circle... LOL


Anonymous said...

And also we ensure that when we enter in this specific blog site we see to it that the topic was cool to discuss and not a boring one.

Cynthia said...

I had sushi as a meal for the first time, earlier this month and absolutely loved it!

Booyah! said...

did you have any sashimi? some people irk at the thought of eating raw fish (hint: my brother)

jamezu said...

I enjoyed eating sushi once.. haha.. but most of the time i don't n_n peace ..V.
